o1. When did you make your first Ascii attempts? It was in early '93, after being amazed with what you could make with only standard chars. I developed a own style after I had gotten my first request. o2. Do you know how many Ascii-productions have you released? Yes. (15) o3. What's so damn special with Ascii? I think it is just like everything else that you can create in the scene, you get amazed by what others create and want to try it out. I get that feeling everytime I see something that is new. o4. Have you got any special idols from the Ascii-scene? Yes, Karma and Shapechanger really amazed me when I watched their collections for the first time. o5. What's your opinion about the Iff2Ascii-Art? I really love it when the person knows what they are doing. Like the way Mortimer Twang uses it in his collections. o6. Are dot's more stylish than 'regular' Ascii? It depends on how you use it, regular and dots look great together, but I think it's harder to come up with goodlooking regular style than it is to create dotstyle. o7. Do you read every single collection that is released today? No, only the ones from artists and groups that are rather well known. I almost never read peoples first collection. o8. Do you answer requests made to 'All Available Artists' ? Only when I'm working on a ascii collection that I want to fill up a bit since I don't get any requests (that's why I have lots of logos to those who actually request from me ;)) o9. How should a request be written to be guarantied a answer from you? As long as it isn't insulting in any way, you can write it in about any way you want. But if you throw in a few nice remarks that you like what I'm doing you'll be the first to get an answer. 1o. Are there more Ascii-groups than there has to be? Maybe in some aspects. The group can hold together better if they're more local, but it almost seems like everyone has to start a new ascii group, like he belives that he is too good/bad to be in one of the existing ones. 11. What do you think of the attitude in the Ascii-scene of today? We're seeing to many hostile remarks from ascii artists. This is supposed to be a friendly scene, remember? 12. What do you think about the idea of having special magazines dedicated to the Ascii-scene? As long as the ones who pulls the strings know what they are doing, it can really become something interesting (like this!) 13. Is there a big difference between Old-skool Ascii and Ascii of today? Definately, oldskool ascii are more symmetric while today's ascii can look in almost any way. Newskool artist rely more and more on design and humor. And if we compare the newskoolers with the oldskoolers they have a nicer attitude to ascii. That ascii is something individual and not so serious. 14. Have you any special projects going on that will be released in a near future? I have an oldskool collection, that is waiting for me to fininsh. I have tried to make it look like collections from '92 - '93. 15. What would you be doing instead of Ascii if you suddenly quitted? Studying, my grades look lite shit! 16. Do you have a horny snoop doggy dogg? I'm fucking collecting them!